The DSTC Portal provides educational resources for learners to gain valuable data science skills to advance health equity. The content provides a strong focus on data science ethics, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI), and includes real-world examples of the use of AI/ML in health, including breast cancer imaging and explainable AI for COVID-lung imaging. Learning materials include over 110 resources including presentations, videos, comic books, online classes, lecture notes and code examples.
When you enter the DSTC, you will notice the content is categorized into 5 topics, as listed below. This course is designed to fit your current and desired data science skill-set. Every learner will benefit from beginning with the Data Science Ethics modules, as data science ethics are critical when using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to advance health equity. Then you may choose your journey through this self-paced course based on your current and desired skills.
Please review the following topical overview before entering the portal:
Data Science Ethics (4 modules) - What makes data good or bad? How do data scientists deal with bias in algorithms and models? Discover the answers to these questions throughout the Data Science Ethics modules. There are no prerequisite skills to begin these modules.
Introduction to Data Science (1 module) - Learn about data cleaning, data processing, big data, and more! There are no prerequisite skills to begin this module.
Intermediate Data Science (1 module) - Familiarize yourself with Data Acquisition & Wrangling, Data Representation & Modeling, and Unsupervised Machine Learning. Prerequisites for this module include completing the Introduction to Data Science module.
Advanced Data Science (1 module) - Master advanced topics such as neural networks, visual analytics, and model-training. Prerequisites for this module include completing the Introduction and Intermediate Data Science modules.
Computer Science and Programming (1 module) - Ready to practice your coding skills? Jump in to practice various programming languages including Python, R, and SQL. Prerequisites include completing the Introduction, Intermediate, and Advanced Data Science modules.
In collaboration with the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub (NEBDHub) and the National Student Data Corps (NSDC), AIM-AHEAD Connect welcomes you into the Data Science Training Core Portal (DSTC). If you have any questions, please post a note in the Discussions tab!