Faculty and Contact Information:

Course Director

Elham Hatef, MD, MPH, FACPM

Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Core Faculty at Johns Hopkins Center for Population Health IT (CPHIT), Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Email: ehatef1@jhu.edu   


Course Advisor

Harold P. Lehmann, MD, PhD

Professor, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Email: lehmann@jhmi.edu  

Course Goal:

This course intends to provide basic knowledge on how a large amount of real-world health data and health information technology (HIT) can help to assess and address health disparities and achieve health equity. It presents frameworks, scientific foundations, and practical examples of how HIT and population-health concepts get applied to the field of health equity. It also includes the latest science and best practices related to the use of data to achieve health equity.


Overall Course Objectives:            

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Identify, through data, different sources of health disparities and inequities in the healthcare system and the community
  2. Identify the context in which each source of health disparities should be assessed and addressed
  3. Identify sources of data and HIT tools for assessing health disparities and achieving health equity
  4. Identify the shortcomings and challenges related to available data sources and HIT tools


Intended Audience

Healthcare workers including physicians and other members of healthcare provider teams, as well as the public health workforce including public health departments at the state, local, or federal level.


Methods of Assessment

Student evaluation is based on:

-       Knowledge assessment through self-assessment quizzes after completion of each module

-       Assignments related to the test of concepts thought in the course in real-world scenarios

-       A final project, where students put what they have learned into action


Students receive a certificate of completion after successful completion of course material and assessments.


Course Format

This is an adult learner course that prioritizes practical skill-building as well as knowledge development on core data-oriented health equity topics. Educational activities include assignments for critical skills development and self-directed learning through assigned reading.


Required Reading

*Students are expected to read the required readings for each session on their own.


Extensive supplemental materials are available to students in the course reference section.

Students are accountable for the main concepts covered in the required resources. Highly-recommended optional resources are also available to students in the course reference section. Students are encouraged to share resources that they may identify as having value to other students.


Course Format

Three modules (multiple lectures each)

o   The first half of the course covers foundational topics related to health disparities and health equity and is developed for those seeking to become informed users of health equity evidence

o   The second half of the course focuses on developing technical skills to use real-world data and HIT tools to assess health disparities and achieve health equity and is developed for those planning to perform research or population health projects (population health practice) related to health disparities and health equity

Self-assessment and assignments